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The bright blue Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis).
Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis). (Photo: Justin Meissen / Flickr Creative Commons 2.0)

The Xerces Society is working to conserve the most vulnerable known pollinators, and though there is a lot more study, advocacy, and conservation work to be done, we have gained ground in securing protections for some imperiled species. We have successfully petitioned for the protection of multiple butterflies, as well as the first—and only—eight native bees listed under the United States' Endangered Species Act (ESA). Indeed, the Xerces Society was instrumental in getting the first native bee in the continental U.S. listed under the ESA—the rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis)—and we continue to be involved in efforts supporting its conservation.

In addition to policy and advocacy work, we collaborate with land managers and other researchers to develop and implement an evidence-based approach to native pollinator habitat management, and we partner with a variety of organizations to implement community science efforts to collect data on a variety of important pollinators.

Scroll down to learn more about endangered pollinators, click to view our Red Lists of endangered species, or jump to our endangered species program page.



From the iconic monarch butterfly to lesser-known butterflies, many species that were once common are now threatened due to factors ranging from habitat loss to climate change. 

Bumble Bees

Our efforts have led to the protection of the rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis)—the first bee to be listed as endangered in the continental U.S. Our biologists work to inform the conservation of all of our North American bumble bee species and provide tools to manage their habitats in order to protect, sustain and rebuild their populations.

Other Wild Bees

There are more than 3,600 bee species native to the U.S. and Canada. Although less is known about their conservation statuses, many of these species are also likely vulnerable to extinction. Learn how we’re working to expand scientific knowledge of, and improve outcomes for, all native pollinators.

Learn More

Managing Habitat for Pollinators

Discover the core principles of managing habitat to limit harm to pollinators, and ultimately to aid in rebuilding their populations.

Monitoring for At-Risk Pollinators

Monitoring can elucidate where rare species of pollinators do and do not occur, the status and trends of pollinator populations, and how pollinators may respond to restoration projects.

Managing Pests While Protecting Pollinators

Whether conventional or organic, all pesticides can pose a risk to pollinators if not used properly. 

Pollinator Conservation Resource Center

Browse region-specific resources that provide the tools to protect pollinators in any landscape.